Jan Dam is back and ready to suit up to play hockey for the UTEP Miners. Dam was with the El Paso Rhinos during the 2012-2013 season and was a hard-hitting defender. The Miners will need Jam’s type of tenacity on the ice for their team when the season begins.
Dam has been no stranger to Rhino Country after his last year of junior hockey in the Sun City. “Ever since I stopped playing for the Rhinos I’ve kept myself busy in El Paso by coaching youth teams for the El Paso Rhinos. I also enrolled at EPCC, but will be transferring to UTEP in order to play,” said Dam.
It’s easy to conclude that Dam’s 2012-2013 season with the Rhinos was a success. Dam was able to score 28 total points, with 25 of them being assists.
Although Jan has yet to play collegiate hockey, he expects that there will be significant differences from junior hockey. “I feel like hockey at the college-level will be a bit more strategic, and although there will still be plenty of hard-hitting, junior hockey was still a bit more physical,” mentioned Dam.
The El Paso Rhinos are very thankful for Dam’s services all over the facility, and wish him the best of luck at the collegiate level with UTEP.
-Caleb Colmenero