Much like a foreign exchange program, players from all over the world stay with host families throughout the hockey season.
Longtime billet father Gustavo Reveles says, “My family has expanded to the far corners of the world thanks to the Rhino billeting program. On paper, you are tasked with housing and supporting these young men for a season as they chase their hockey dreams. But ultimately, you end up welcoming them into your family and they become lifelong relatives that will forever impact your life.”
As the Rhinos are between the ages of 17 and 21, they need comfortable and supportive billet homes between September and April. We ask that players are provided with three meals a day and a room furnished with a dresser, bed, and a storage space for hanging clothes. To be treated as part of the family, all billeted Rhinos should follow household rules and may perform chores. The Rhino organization is responsible for ensuring that players have transportation to and from games, practices, and team events.
As compensation, each billet family will receive a stipend for each player per month and complimentary Rhino tickets to all games.
For questions and more information about the billet program, please contact Kelly Erramouspe at 915-526-8506 or email Interested families are invited to attend the Rhinos’ free exhibition games on Sept. 3 at 7 pm and Sept. 4 at 1 pm to meet players and experience what it’s like to be part of the Rhino family!