
As the Rhinos are between the ages of 18 and 21, we are looking to place players in comfortable and supportive billet homes for the season. Players must be provided with a room furnished with a dresser, bed, and a storage space for hanging clothes. Each player must also have access to food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. To be treated as part of the family, all billeted Rhinos should follow household rules and may perform chores. The Rhinos organization is responsible for ensuring that players have transportation to and from games, practices and team events.

As compensation, each billet family will receive a stipend for each player per month and complimentary Rhino tickets.

For questions and more information, please contact Kelly Erramouspe at 915-526-8506. We look forward to welcoming you into the Rhino family! 

Listen to the experiences and fun stories from our billet moms who have housed Rhinos in the past.